+Daily prayers


Daily Prayer + Chosen prayers from inspiring collection of 70 prayers
Daily reminders in any time you want to pray the prayer you have chosen.
Contains 40 topics that covers most of life's situation. Be inspired, excited and be encouraged by praying the prayer you want and also in any time you want.

With this app, you can pray any time, anywhere, of these prayers – Just pray!
God hears us anytime and anywhere! God is always available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week! Let's keep on praying!

This Holy useful FREE app gives you a list of inspired great prayers and daily devotions to help you and me stay connected with our God!
Grow your spiritual life! Prayer is one of the best way for spiritual growth.

  • Daily reminders to read your daily prayer.
  • SMS your favorite daily prayers!
  • Save your favorite daily prayers!
  • Share your favorite daily prayers via Email!
  • Search option

Visit our website: www.dailyprayer.info

Like us on facebook.com/dailyprayer.info and say Hi!

Thank you my friends.

You can Start your day with a prayer to God and get power through out your day!

This Holy great Dailyprayer app can be used in USA and wherever you are in this world by kids, teens, adults who are able to read and understand English language.

This cool app can also be used both online and offline.